Originally launched in 2017, the goal of LION's NOT IN OUR HOUSE initiative is to spread awareness of the cancer threat facing the fire service. NOT IN OUR HOUSE is also committed to educating firefighters on the actions they can take to reduce their exposure to cancer-causing agents. This includes helping to keep them AND their families safe inside and outside the house -- whether it's the firehouse or their own house. NOT IN OUR HOUSE is an extension of what we already do to help protect those who protect us ...before, during, and after the call.
For best practices, tips, and key research results, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Did You Know...
The first step in understanding the importance of firefighter cancer awareness is being aware of the facts. For more firefighter facts, click HERE.

Myth Vs. Fact
Don't believe everything you hear. We are diving into common myths and facts that you should know!. Click HERE for more.

If we all work together, we can reduce job-related cancer. Click HERE for more tips and help join us in the fight against cancer.

The stats are in! Click HERE to read more of the interesting and alarming stats about firefighter safety.